*Independent Thought Alarm*

[ 9.24.2002 ]

Fall Semester Emo
Well kids, it's officially fall now...my favorite time of year except for the allergies. Classes are in full swing...and Chris has come and gone again. I'm not sad this time though b/c I am GOING to England, by God. I've been working on getting my international study paperwork filled out. There's a mountain of things to be done...thank goodness I have a few months to work on it. I'm sitting her in Starbucks drinking a Tazo and Cream...I've got a brain freeze. Life is good.
I'm so serious...I feel better today than I have in a long ass time. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and I've got a ton of studying to do. Life makes sense. I may not be exactly where I want to be or with who I want to be with, but I'm heading that direction and that's the best I can do right now. I'm gonna be ok.
I went on an International Studies retreat this past weekend that changed my life. I never realized how closed minded I am...how I think the way I do because I was raised to. It really made me reconsider a lot of things about myself. Don't get me wrong, I like who I am, but there's always room for growth and change as long as you're alive.
Song of the Day: Hotel Yorba, by the White Stripes
Country of the Day: Germany...my buddy Tanja is from there and she's cool as hell...she has the most amazing laugh...
Plant of the Day: Ani, my aloe plant...she's been sick but I think I'm bringing her back ever so slowly. She's a trooper.
Professor of the Day: Donnelly...my Marketing 300 prof...he tells the best stories!
Invention of the Day: post-it notes...how useful are they?
Word of the Day: DORK
Sidenote...I love Chris!
mandypants [12:12 PM]